Another month has gone by and our little guy just keeps getting bigger! At his last weigh in he was 13 lbs 14 oz and 23 1/2" long.
We went up to Iowa city to visit his Neonatologist at the end of June. We were told that Jackson is developing & growing well - and that they were very happy with how things are going. We were able to decrease his Oxygen to 1/4 liter - We will head back up to IC at the end of July to re-evaluate his oxygen needs - We are praying for a healthy month with lots of growing as we make our 1st (and hopefully only) attempt at taking Jackson off oxygen.
The month of June otherwise came and went with Jackson showing us a few new tricks he's learned. He's began to focus on smaller objects, and has begun reaching for them and sometimes will get his hands on it. He has begun eating rice cereal and just tried his first veggie a few weeks ago. He can roll over from stomach to back, and can almost get from back to stomach (that pestky shoulder gets in the way). He's learned to pout (jutted out bottom lip and all) if he wants more attention. Jackson has also blessed us with full nights of sleep! He began sleeping for 8 or more hours at a time, and it's glorious! There is so much more about Jackson that we could "gush" about - he is just such a huge blessing in our lives.
Here's a short video of his laugh