Jackson is growing so quickly we are just soaking up every second! He's weighing in at 14lb 14oz and is around 25" long.
The biggest news of the month is that he's kicked the oxygen! Our lives have become much simpler, and less tangled ;)
Jackson has done remarkable with the transition, and he all of a sudden is looking more and more like a little boy!
With out the oxygen tubes we've gotten out a little more, and have begun showing jackson what the world is like with out being tethered to an oxygen tank. We got rid of the tubes just in time too! not long after, Jackson began rolling...and rolling and rolling. Set him down and he'll end up on the other side of the room in no time. It's also making changing his diaper a bit more like a wrestling match!
We're up to Iowa city once this month for an appointment - So in the relm of Dr. appointments, we've got an easy month ahead of us. We're praying for a month of health and growth! Thank you all for your contiuned love and support!