On Jan. 7th, Jackson turned one month old. He is now 2lb 4.4oz and has continued to grow and look better. He is now getting 16cc of fortified milk every 3 hours.
Yesterday, Annie and I both got to hold him each for about an hour. Since he was doing better and he had fewer lines connected to him, we were able to hold him on our chest which was a very comforting feeling for both of us and Jackson was able to handle it very well.
This morning the surgeons came in and took the penrose drain out of his side. The nurse said the hole left should heal up on its own and may or may not continue to drain a little fluid as it heals but that shouldn't affect the healing process.
Other than this, the doctors haven't told us what their long term plan is for Jackson other than to feed and grow.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support as Jackson continues to grow. He has a long time to go but things are starting to look a little better; Thank you LORD!
Kangaroo care with Mom and Dad
I love this picture, reality is seen so clearly as to how small he really is. God is so good, keep on staying focused on loving that little blessing that God chose for you two.
ReplyDeleteThe Lord also keeps safe those who suffer. He is a safe place in times of trouble. Psalm 9:9 Go to him any time, any place.
These pictures make me smile. :) I'm so happy you are able to hold your baby.