Saturday, February 25, 2012

Life in the NICU - Rolls

It's official - our son has rolls - yes rolls! He is currently weighing in at 5lb 11oz! We can't believe he's almost at the 6lb mark - it's amazing how far he has come!

This week Jackson has had a few tests - Wednesday he had his eye check up. They found no change in the ROP. No progression is good, but we are looking for and waiting for regression of the ROP. They will continue to monitor him weekly until they see change.
He also had a head ultrasound. Back when Jackson was a few days old, we found out he had a grade 4 brain bleed. When we got to Iowa City, they did a repeat ultrasound, and reclassified it as a grade 3. Now that he is 36 weeks old, they did another ultrasound to look for PVL - a really long medical term that basically means damage to the white matter of the brain. The scan showed regression of the bleed (his body is re-absorbing the clot) that his ventricles were not enlarged, and no PVL. All this is very good news! PTL!!!
Jackson has started the process of learning to take food by mouth. He has gotten to try both nursing and a bottle and has done well at both. He will have to take a couple bottles a day to give him a few extra calories, so he has to learn both nursing and bottle feeding before he can go home.
Jackson's High flow was also reduced to 1.5 liters - we can go home on 1 liter, so we're very close to that mark.

Jackson's big hurdles for the next 4 weeks are his eyes, learning to eat by mouth , and getting his oxygen down to 1 liter or lower. Please pray for all these things as we're getting so close to his due date, and we're so ready to get him home!!

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