Saturday, February 18, 2012

A week of change

This week has seen a few changes for Jackson. He started the week off by getting his high flow setting reduced from 3-liters to 2-liters. This oxygen level is one of the things that Jackson will have to get reduced before he can be released for home.

Tuesday, Jackson had a VCUG test. This test was to determine if the rupture in his bladder has healed properly. Thankfully, it has! The rupture has healed and he
shouldn't need a catheter in any more. He was also moved into an open crib and passed the crib test (sustaining his body temperature for 1 day) We are loving having him in the crib as we are able to pick him up and hold him whenever we'd like these things are a few positive steps towards coming home! PTL!

Wednesday, Jackson had another eye exam. Previously his eyes had gotten a little worse and if they continued to worsen he could require laser eye surgery relatively soon. The good news is that his eyes didn't get worse this week, but were stable. The doctors said that when a preemie's eyes get this condition, they usually either get better or get worse quickly. Since Jackson's eyes didn't get worse this week, its a good sign that maybe they will get better on their own.

Today (Saturday) Jackson weighed in at 4lb 14oz and around 16" long! He continues to grow and as he gets settled in on 2-liters of oxygen he should be able to start eating by mouth. Once he can take all of his feeds by mouth he should be able to come home!!!

Next week he will be having his 36 week head ultrasound. We re praying that this test will show improvement. He will also have another eye exam - we are hoping for regression of the ROP.

1 comment:

  1. Read the good reports on Baby Jackson. He actually looks happy on that picture too. How exciting to know that soon he should be going home with Mom and Dad. Praise the Lord.
